Our February meeting was very small again, I fear the guild members are losing interest in our topics. If so please let Jean or Mary know what you want to cover in our guild meetings.
If the time of the meeting or the day of week is a problem we are willing to make some changes. But we need to know what works for you.
Our May Retreat is set for May16 and 17, 2016 from 9:30 am to 5 pm or whenever at the Marsin Center on Canal Road in Houghton. You have to be a member of our Guild to attend. The only cost is a dish to pass at our potluck lunch. If you are interested in attending again let Mary know so we can continue to plan for the event. I think I have 5 members who have told me they will attend. I am looking for members to warp a loom to share weaving time with the guild members in attendance. If you have a loom or one of the guild looms please consider warping up your favorite weave to share.
I did send our Guild information to Halcyon Yarns and we are now members of the guild reward program. I have a number of $5 coupons good on your first purchase of $50 from Halcyon. I will bring the coupons to the March meeting. The reward program is 5% of our total guild purchases is returned to the guild in January of each year. All you have to do is select the Buellwood Guild name in the Guild rewards page of the website or mention it if you are calling in a purchase.
We had show and tell and discussed what we might need to do to enhance member participation in our meetings.
Dawn knit and felted slippers and great wool for dye day. |
We are looking forward to attending her class at the Calumet Art Center in Calumet, MI on August 6 , 2016. If you are interested in dying yarn naturally with Dawn check out the Calumet Art center website.Dawn's class mostly uses materials found in the area. We use leaves, roots, barks, mushrooms, lichen, flowers and berries. I generally provide a packet of small skeins of wool yarn that have been pre-mordanted with alum. We cook up the dye baths on site, and we have three modifier baths of tin, iron and something alkaline.
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Dye Day with Dawn |
John's Linen Hand towels |
John also led this meeting as we are now sharing
Sakiori Scarf |
Handwoven Magazine Danish Rosette hand towels |
I also finished my Danish Rosette hand towels and I am pretty happy with them. They are woven from page 44 of the may/June 2015 issue in a 8-shaft Deflected double weave structure. Although I did run out of warp for the last towel. So next time I will put on more warp.
Log Cabin was the topic for our February meeting.
I warped my mini wave in Log Cabin, but realized without a tabby weft the results were not log cabin weave. The Mini Wave only will weave warp faced so the change of colors in the weft made no difference. It is a tablet or inkle weave loom.
The basic weaving structure for log cabin in unbalanced weave and the pattern is Log Cabin which has as many pics per inch as sett. It is a color and weave effect that happens when the weave structure interacts with the color changes in the warp and weft.
I brought samples as the red and blue fabric above and the tote bag below. I also showed what I learned was the difference between log cabin and shadow weave as well as Rep Weave.
tote woven with log cabin warp |
MLH has some wonderful workshops for a very reasonable price in June at there conference. This is in Holland MI , June 3-6,2016 check out their website for more information. Also Phyllis will be the Judge for their annual fiber show this summer in July. also at this website.
Remember Convergence is going to be in Milwaukee WI the first week of August. Lots of great exhibits and classes are still available as well a great vendors.
See you there!
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