While you are visiting the Hancock Michigan
for the Midwest Weavers' Conference Northern
Wefts 2011 on June 23-25. Something else to do in
Keweenaw (kee’-wah-nah)
is tour one of the many Copper mines in the area.
Quincy Steam Hoist, Shafthouse and Mine is located a short distance from Finlandia University on the hill overlooking the Houghton - Hancock area. Quincy offers a tour of the mine for about $14 a person, it takes a few hours to visit the mine and surrounding buildings. As well as visit the gift shop.

for the Midwest Weavers' Conference Northern
Wefts 2011 on June 23-25. Something else to do in
Keweenaw (kee’-wah-nah)
is tour one of the many Copper mines in the area.
Quincy Steam Hoist, Shafthouse and Mine is located a short distance from Finlandia University on the hill overlooking the Houghton - Hancock area. Quincy offers a tour of the mine for about $14 a person, it takes a few hours to visit the mine and surrounding buildings. As well as visit the gift shop.
A few highlights of the tour are:
Once you are outfitted with Jackets and hard hats – this is July and it is cold down in the mine. You are loaded on the tram to go down into the mine.
The rest of the group (Weavers from the Green Bay area ) are anticipating what is coming next.
Some one needs a little guidance in the dark tunnels. Only candles were used by the miners, most of them were on their hard hats.
Once out of the mine, we load the tram which will take us up the hill to the tour the other mine buildings, we were glad we did not have to walk up this hill. Quincy Mine was used by Michigan Technological University for its Mining Engineering Program at one time.
Plan to spend a few days visiting the mines in the area Delaware Copper Mine is north of Hancock in the Keweenaw Peninsula.
Adventure Mine is in Mass City where you can actually Repel down a shaft if you like that sort of thing. 906 883 3371 Open Monday – Saturday 9-6 and Sunday 11 -6 pm.
Or visit one of the largest mineral collection on public view in North America and the best fluorescent mineral exhibits in the US at the A. E. Seaman Mineral Museum located at Michigan Technological University. Open Monday - Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm in June.
For more things to do in the Keweenaw for your friends or family that accompany you to the UP. Check out the Keweenaw Peninsula Chamber of Commerce at Keweenaw.org or Toll Free 866.304.5722
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