The Buellwood Weavers met Monday January 16th at Gloia Dei Church in Hancock. Our topic was to be knit edges but two of the presenters were not able to attend – So instead we shared some beautiful scarves and Myla showed us how to wear a variety of scarves that were presented. We learned a few new and beautiful ways to display our hand woven; hand
Check out the beautiful scarf collection we had to touch and admire.
Eve brought the guild table top loo
We had our usual show and tell. Jean Lind brought her knit to felt purse she has been working
using a new (to me) method to knit with two colors caring the yarn along one color in each hand. This was very helpful to me as I am knitting a pair of socks with a 2 color pattern.

Lynn brought along some beautiful hand dyed scarves that she has been making to sell in her Gallery in Calumet. Ed Gray’s Gallery on Fifth Street in Calumet.
I finished my hand towels for the towel exchange with the Michigan Guild from below the bridge
I have a book recommendation for weavers. Eve told me about the book ‘Thrums’ written by Faith Shaw Nunneley . I had never heard of her but she is either from Michigan or Minnesota or maybe she has lived in both places. I think it was a fun and interesting book to read. Pretty easy and entertaining reading and I wish I had read long ago before I purchased all my weaving equipment. Because she lays it on the line letting you know what you need and what you can do without for your weaving studio. Thanks Eve for that recommendation. There are a few chapters on dying yarn also that is very informative. But the best part is her sense of humor.
Future Guild meetings:
In February I believe Audrey will do a spinning demo on “Spinning with Silk” then Phyllis will address Name draft weaving in March. Please attend the meetings as we are planning some interesting workshops in the near future.
Future Guild workshops in the U.P:
Weave, Cut and Sew Workshop May 21-23 at Finlandia Fiber Room Mary Sue Fenner will have her trunk show presentation and sewing workshop:
Fiber Arts Jacket:
Basic Jacket Sewing Class for all fiber artists. Students would
bring their fabric: commercial, felted, handwoven, dyed,
embellished, etc. I would take them through the basic skills to
make it into a jacket. We would start with needles, thread,
fitting their pattern, basic seam options, darts, and finishing
techniques to make a one-of-a-kind beautiful jacket.
A Beginner weaving workshop in Early September in Houghton. Exact date and location TBA.
Some of us are going to Door County WI for a Collapse weave workshop with Anne Fields in September 2012. There is still room in the class.
We are also planning some other guild activities. Maybe a road trip, other workshops with instructors. Maybe a paper weaving workshop with a teacher from Europe if we have some interest. So come and have some input into what our guild will be doing in 2012.
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Thanks for sharing!