Our Guild meet Monday at Gloria Dei Church in Hancock Michigan and elected new officers from the members present. Jean Lind has agreed to fill Jessica's position as MLH representative and Vise Chair. Eve Lindsey will remain our Chair for this year and she is doing a fine job of arranging topics for our meetings and projects for our Guild to get involved with. If you have ideas for projects or topics please mention them at the next meeting in November. We still need topics for the April and May 2012 meeting. Check out this blog for our schedule and other important Guild information at the top of this page.
We had a number of members show their samples from Conference workshops.
Jessica shared a number of hand painted warps she did in a 2 day workshop with Su Butler
In the this picture you can see the difference in color on the front side
and back side of the woven scarf
weavers to learn the many fabrics that can be woven from one warp on a 4 harness loom.
Audrey Chamberlain shared her samples of Silk Spinning a workshop she took with Heather Winslow.
Jeanne Medlyn took a pre conference workshop with Amy Tyler on 'Spin Knit Nexus' and learned the meaning of Nexus (convergence) as well as making a very complete note book of spinning samples. She is happy to have renewed her excitement about spinning. I am sorry but in all the excitement I did not get a picture of Jeanne and her samples. Oops!!!
I took Kati Reeder Meeks pre conference workshop on 'Checks, Plaids and Tartans'. I learned a
A nice scarf and a number of samples for my work book to keep for future reference.
Guild Projects for 2012 Eve shared some Guild Project ideas for the 2011 - 2012 year and we are going to hand paint a small warp for Bookmarks at the November meeting. So check your email or call Eve for warp instructions if you are interested.
We are also planning a fiber exchange at the Christmas get together. Here is how it works we bring 4 -6 oz of fiber in a brown bag then choose a bag that is not ours. We will use this fiber to make a gift for those who supply fiber, the finished item will be given at our June meeting. If you are interested in participating in this exchange. Join us for the November 21st meeting to find out more about how this fiber gift exchange will work.
We are also considering the possibility of a one or two day workshop in May or June of 2012. We plan to hire a teacher for a beginning weaving workshop. If you have any ideas or input for this workshop please join us at Gloria Dei Church in Hancock on the third Monday of each month at noon as we are planing it at our next few meetings.
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Thanks for sharing!