Sunday, September 29, 2024

 Hello.  The weather has been so nice it is hard to sit inside!  However, weaving weather is just around the corner.


Guild Meeting: Next meeting is on a Saturday.  The date is October 19, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. EST.   Bring some final ideas for next year's retreat.  

Guild Retreat 2025: The next retreat will be September 19 to 21, 2024 at the Marsin Retreat Center.  

Finnish American Folk School: Check the website for upcoming classes.  There are a ton of creative opportunities; some weaving and some other media such as clay and wood.  There are even opportunities to sing and play an instrument.  Questions?


Folks, the time has come for my monthly blog musings with photos!  Our yearly retreat was held in September and it got me thinking and talking to others about online learning versus in-person learning.  This also ties in with the monthly question from last month's blog about attendance at conferences or festivals. 

The conclusion for me is that I appreciate the opportunities online learning has given me to learn new skills and improve old ones.  Online learning has become so professional and informative.  Most even include a zoom component or facebook group to facilitate interaction with other attendees. 

However, nothing can beat in-person interaction.  I enjoy struggling through something with others in real time.  Okay, maybe me struggling and them helping!  Moreover, getting to know people better has helped me to form relationships with our fellow guild members.

Covid has definitely taught me that online can be wonderful.  It also taught me that we need each other and we need to see each other face-to-face.


Last month, I asked what conferences or festivals you attended.  Here is a summary of the answers:

Michigan League of Handweavers Conference in Holland MI.  One comment indicated that they do a great job of organizing and usually have one well known weaver as part of the education offered.  Maybe we can carpool next time if a group wants to go!

Midwest Weavers Conference is held on odd numbered years in different places.  It had a lot of classes and well-known weavers.  

Convergence is held on even numbered years.  Convergence is held in a different place every time.  The conference includes classes, vendors, lectures and events such as a fashion show.

Wisconsin sheep and wool is an annual fiber festival.  It has classes and a great group of vendors.  There are several events throughout the weekend (the Thursday through Sunday after Labor Day).  A group of us go every year and much fun is had!  The festival includes lambs being born and an exciting silent as well as regular auction.  Herding dogs show off their stuff and there are kids competing in sheep shows.  And there are more activities!!!  


Please name one book that you would recommend to a newbie trying to learn beginning shaft weaving or tapestry weaving.  


                                                                Elaine and Anita busy at work.  Michelle, Mary B, Nancy and David.

               David and Mary consulting.  Marci in the background next to David and Nate to the left.

Sean helping Mary.  Nancy looking on.  Michele was a new attendee.  In back, Denise and Karen M are hard at work.

                                                  Marcy and Annie getting their backstraps on.

Robin having fun.

 Phyllis, Elaine and Anita. Michelle and Nancy in the background

Karen M

Nate and Melissa talking with John

Sean to the left

Karen T is to the right with Mary B and behind Mary M

Marci, Robin and John

Hopefully, there is a picture of everyone. If not, I promise to do better in the future.

TILL NEXT MONTH...........

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Hello fellow fiber enthusiasts!  This is my first blog post EVER--so please be kind!  Corrections and suggestions are welcome.  

Last get together was a show and tell meeting and everyone brought their A game.  Before we get into the photos, some other business.

UPCOMING CLASSES: The Finnish Folk School has some upcoming weaving classes.  Brocade is in September and Takana is in November.  Takana is all full up but sign up for brocade--see the folk school's website.

UPCOMING MEMBER RETREAT: Our member retreat is September 20 to 22.  This will also be a good opportunity to pay dues!  If you are not a member, the retreat is a good reason to become a member.  Dues are $25.00.  

YEARLY PLANNING MEETING: The yearly planning meeting will be on Sunday, September 22 at the retreat center (Marsin Retreat Center).  Come with ideas for meetings!  I am not sure of the exact time, but it will be in the afternoon.  I am sure someone can help me out here and email the group the exact time.

MONTHLY QUESTION: This is the audience participation section.  I would like to start to do a resource page for our website to share information on weaving.  Our first topic is---fiber festivals and conventions.  What festivals or conventions have you gone to and tell us if it was a good experience?  Please also add a brief description (ex. were there classes, vendors, animals?).  My email for your answer is  


Melissa shared her finished dye project

Anita found a thrift basket find and showed her dye project

Denise shared her knitting

(In the basket) Denise shared her cowl.

More knitting (the blue shawl)!

Denise's finished dye project

Denise shared her finished rya project from a class with Lisa.

Mary shared her knitting (Dickeys are making a comeback)

Mary attended a sew cranky class and made a fish

Mary wove fabric and made a top

New magazine shared with the group

Nancy showed her Socks!

A woven scarf

More socks!

Sean shared some weaving from a class he took from Madelyn Van Der Hoogt.



Ditto (shown by Nancy)

Kathie showed her finished dye project

Leslie showed her finished Dye project

Fabric woven by David that he plans to make into clothing.

Scarf by Phyllis

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Buellwood Weavers and Fiber Artist Dye Day

This really looked like a fun day! Thank you Nate and Robin for introducing the guild members to Shibori stitching and folding in June. Then our July meeting was devoted to dyeing their stitched shirts.

Nathen and Robin 

Lots of fun lots of color added to the stitched cotton. 



Karen,  Anita 


             I hope in August we will get the big reveal of their masterpieces. 
Monday August 19

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Buellwood May Natural Dye Presentation

Clare  received a grant in 2023 with which she assisted Dawn Andersson
for a Natural Dye Experience.
Each month they examined which natural dye materials could be gathered for Dyeing. Then proceeded to experiment with dyes and mordants on wool or some linen.


St. John’s wart




The colors Clare got from East coast plants she made Dye

Testing for color fastness of samples.

 Buellwood now returns to our Monday schedule for the summer
1:00 pm 
Show n tell this month.
Intro to shibori with Nate