Thursday, October 7, 2010

About Our New Look

You may have noticed the new name and new look for this blog. We wanted to avoid any confusion as the Midwest Weavers' Association posts conference information to the Midwest Weavers' Conference web site. As the host guild for biennial conference in 2011, we will continue to blog news about Northern Wefts, which will be held June 23-25 in Hancock, Michigan, and link you to the official registration site.

For a quick preview of the Northern Wefts workshop and exhibit titles, see the Midwest Weavers' Association newsletter, which you can read here as a PDF. As additional conference registration information is added to the MWA site, we'll keep you posted.

We look forward to seeing you at Finlandia University in Hancock, Michigan next summer when we host the region's biennial conference. And even as we weave together Northern Wefts, we're marking our calendars for the week of June 16, 2013. That's when the Kansas Alliance of Weavers & Spinners will host Fiber Frontiers at Emporia State University.  In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you next summer in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula.

Oh, and here's what was on the loom recently -- just so you know that conference committee volunteers still find time to weave! Thank you to Mary Brownell for this photo.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to weave something from the 'Fabrics That Go Bump' Best of Weavers Book. I found this 8 harness fulled Merino Scarf pattern on Page 96 which was all white. I thought I would like to use color and I wondered if it would look as good as it did in white. I hand painted a warp of Jaggerspun Zephyr yarn which is 50% silk and 50% wool, it was so beautiful, I thought why not give it a try. I ordered Indigo Zephyr yarn for the weft and tried a few of the patterns. After a little sampling I decided on the pattern for Scarf B. I finished one full shawl 20" by 60 or more inches and it turned out beautiful. It felted just enough and I was so happy with it I gave it to my sons girlfriend now fiance for her birthday. My only regrets is I did not have enough warp to make one to keep for myself.


Thanks for sharing!